Photo by: Joey Kotfica
Land & People
Perhaps the most basic view of the region pertains to its overall population and the jobs it holds. Changes here can impact demand for new homes, impacting existing communities or requiring new ones.
Explore Land & People Indicators
Population is a measurement of the number of residents that live in a given geographical area, be it a neighborhood, city, county or region.
Go to indicatorJobs
Jobs refers to the number of employees in a given area by place of work. These estimates do not include people who are self-employed or private household employees.
Go to indicatorHousing Permits
Housing permits represent the number of new housing units — single- and multi-family — a local jurisdiction has approved for construction during a given year.
Go to indicatorGreenfield Development
Greenfield development refers to construction on previously undeveloped land and the corresponding expansion of our region’s developed footprint, which includes the extent of urban and built-up lands. The footprint is defined as land occupied by structures, with a building density of at least 1 unit to 1.5 acres.
Go to indicatorHousing Production
Housing production is measured by the change in the number of housing units (single-family, multi-family or mobile homes) in local jurisdictions from year to year. The total number of units produced accounts for housing units added by new construction and annexations, as well as housing units no longer in existence due to demolitions or natural disasters. It also adjusts for units lost or gained by conversions.
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